Busting Top 5 Myths About Sea Moss

Busting Top 5 Myths About Sea Moss
Are you looking for a natural way to boost your health and well-being? If so, you may have heard of sea moss. Sea moss has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cuisine.


The slimy seaweed has been making waves in the health and wellness community, but with all the buzz, it is hard to separate fact from fiction.

As with any health trend, several myths and misconceptions surround sea moss. Don't let such myths about sea moss hold you back - let us help you discover the truth!


  • Sea moss is a Weed

The popular ‘sea moss and weed’ myth has been around for a long time. While some people may call it a "weed," it is not one. 

Weeds are plants considered undesirable, invasive, or harmful to the environment or agriculture, and they usually grow on land. 

Algae, including sea moss, are aquatic organisms that play an essential role in marine ecosystems. Sea moss is classified as a type of seaweed, it is not the same as the commonly known terrestrial plants called weeds.


Green Sea Moss on the Mountain near the sea with the blurred sun in the background
  • Sea Moss Will Make You Sick

Many people believe consuming sea moss is unsafe. So, let's debunk this popular misconception before moving forward.

Can sea moss make you sick? The answer is no. Sea moss is a healthy, fibre-rich product that won't make you sick. 1 

From supporting thyroid function to helping in losing weight, sea moss is a real star. It has multiple nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties, which are incredible for your mind, body, and well-being.

Additionally, to reduce your risk of illness, it is crucial to source your sea moss from a reputable supplier like Myla’s moss and to store it properly before consumption.

However, as with everything else, moderation is the key. The recommended dosage for sea moss is 1-2 tablespoons a day. 

Also, if you are experiencing any serious health conditions, we do recommend asking your healthcare provider first before consuming sea moss.


  • Sea Moss Tastes Bad

The biggest misconception about sea moss is it tastes horrible. Well, the statement is partially true. Let us explain. 

Although raw and dried sea moss may have a slightly stronger taste, the gel, capsules, and powder almost have no text. You won't even feel the texture if you take sea moss in the form of supplements. 

Sea moss tastes a bit salty and ocean-like; it’s seaweed, after all. However, the taste is neither too bitter nor overpowering. 

However, if you are still worried about the taste, you can try adding sea moss gel to your shakes or smoothies to completely mask its taste.


  • Sea Moss is a Carrageenan Extract

Another common myth surrounding sea moss is that it is just carrageenan extract. 2 This is not entirely true, as sea moss and carrageenan are two distinct substances. 

While it is true that carrageenan can be extracted from certain types of red algae, including some species of sea moss, not all sea moss contains carrageenan. And even though carrageenan can be extracted from sea moss, sea moss cannot be extracted from carrageenan 

Sea moss and carrageenan are not interchangeable terms.


Green SeaMoss on the rocks with the sea in the background
  • Sea Moss is Magic Cure

Will sea moss cure every single disease on the planet? 

Believe it or not, some people think it is a magic potion for dealing with everything. The statement "Sea moss is a magic cure" is a myth, as no single food or supplement can cure all health problems.

Sea moss contains calcium, zinc, magnesium, and many other essential nutrients and minerals. It is also packed with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. So, although it can help keep you healthy and fit, it's not an alternative to medicines and other medical treatments. 

You should pair sea moss with a healthy lifestyle and clean eating practices to double the benefits of the superfood. 



There you have it! We have navigated the waters of sea moss and uncovered some surprising truths while busting the myths.

While some believe it's a cure-all for various ailments, others dismiss it as a mere trend. Whatever your stance, there's no denying that sea moss is a fascinating algae with a long culinary and medicinal use history. 

As for me, I and my family will be enjoying our daily dose of sea moss, feeling like a true sea captain. Until next time, happy sailing!



What is the truth about sea moss?

​​Sea moss, also known as the "ocean's superfood," is a type of seaweed jam-packed with essential vitamins and minerals. 3 

From boosting your immune system to aiding digestion, this underwater wonder has much to offer. However, like any good thing, it must be used in moderation and from a trustworthy source to avoid potential adverse effects.

Why is sea moss so powerful?

Sea moss is a nutritional powerhouse! This superfood has over 18 essential minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, so from supporting gut health to immune function, sea moss is a wonder! Additionally, sea moss is fibre-rich and low in calories, making it a good fit for weight loss as well. 4 

  1. Hentati, F., Tounsi, L., Djomdi, D., Pierre, G., Delattre, C., Ursu, A. V., ... & Michaud, P. (2020). Bioactive polysaccharides from seaweeds. Molecules, 25(14), 3152.
  2. Bhattacharyya, S., Xue, L., Devkota, S., Chang, E., Morris, S., & Tobacman, J. K. (2013). Carrageenan-induced colonic inflammation is reduced in Bcl10 null mice and increased in IL-10-deficient mice. Mediators of Inflammation, 2013.
  3. Lomartire, S., Marques, J. C., & Gonçalves, A. M. (2021). An overview to the health benefits of seaweeds consumption. Marine Drugs, 19(6), 341.
  4. Kim, J. Y. (2021). Optimal diet strategies for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Journal of obesity & metabolic syndrome, 30(1), 20.