Does Sea Moss Give You Energy? | A Comprehensive Guide

Does Sea Moss Give You Energy? | A Comprehensive Guide

Gone are the days you’d be stuck with energy drinks full of sugar and toxins claiming to give you the ‘burst of energy’ to work through your shift. Now an ocean's superfood, sea moss, gives you the energy to feel like a superhero, no wings required!


With sea moss, you can say hello to a healthy, fit, and happy life – all at once! The superfood contains over 18 essential nutrients and compounds. It helps provide sustained energy, raise your cognitive function, and induce calmness.

Stimulants and sugar-filled energy drinks provide you with a temporary boost of energy. 1 In contrast, sea moss has a nutrient-rich profile and supports the body's energy production, resulting in long-lasting energy levels. 

But how does sea moss give you energy & what does research says about it? Stay connected to find out. 

How Does Sea Moss Help with Energy?

A green rocks scenic view of sea against sky during sunset

Sea moss is here to be your knight in shining armor. This seaweed works by replenishing the electrolytes and minerals lost due to sweating. Moreover, it contains iodine and polysaccharides, which help keep fatigue away and provide constant energy.

Sea moss also contains a complex blend of bioactive compounds and nutrients, providing a sustainable energy source throughout the day. Furthermore, it supports healthy cellular function which reduces feelings of tiredness and lethargy. 

The primary nutrients of this ocean's treasure include the following:

  • Iodine
  • Polysaccharides
  • Iron 2
  • Magnesium

All these compounds help the body to function properly. Hence, you get the needed energy to spend your day with motivation and increased focus.  

Although the health benefits of sea moss vary from person-to-person, many users report increased immunity, better digestive health, and high energy levels after consuming sea moss gel.

Sea Moss and its Energy-Boosting Properties

sea moss present on the rocks in the centre of the sea

Here we have laid out a detailed overview of how consumption of sea moss and boost of energy go hand in hand.

  • Improves Thyroid Function

Sea moss contains a considerable quantity of iodine. Iodine helps balance thyroid function and hormone production in the body. When you have optimal functioning of hormones in the body, it will directly impact your energy levels and keep you energized for longer. 3

  • Provides Sustained Energy

Polysaccharides are also present in sea moss, complex carbohydrates that slowly break down in the body and provide energy. 4

  • Improves Mental Focus

Sea moss helps with better mental clarity. When people feel good mentally, it is positively reflected on their energy levels. 

Sea moss has a high concentration of iron and magnesium. 5 These nutrients contribute towards better cognition function and better mental clarity that eventually helps combat fatigue..

Is Sea Moss Better Than Drinking Energy Drinks and Coffee?

Now that you know is sea moss good for energy let’s discuss another factor- whether sea moss can be an alternate for energy beverages?

As much as we all love our cup of coffee every morning, it may not not so great for our bodies.

Consuming too much caffeine can actually cause adverse effects on the body and induce anxiety and stress. The same is the case with energy drinks. They are filled with sugar and produce just a short fix.

Whereas, sea moss is completely natural and organic. It provides sustainable long-term energy. It does not cause any serious adverse effects to the body.

How to Add Sea Moss to Your Diet?

The addition of sea moss in diet doesn’t require any special preparations. You can add it to your smoothies, juices, ice cream, or even baked products. 

We have covered a complete guide on how to add sea moss to your diet. Have a look at it to learn about interesting ways of incorporating sea moss.

The Final Takeaway

Sea moss is a powerhouse of nutrients that can give you the energy boost you need to tackle your day with vigour and vitality. It is a natural fuel for your mind and body.

What’s more? Sea moss is particularly rich in iodine, which plays a crucial role in the functioning of the thyroid gland, which in turn helps regulate metabolism and energy levels. Sea moss gives you energy and the stamina to deal with the lemons that life throws your way. 

Check out our very special Myla’s moss gel. Each jar is produced with love and care to ensure only the best product reaches our customers.



Does sea moss gives you energy?

Various nutrients and compounds present in sea moss may help with increasing the energy levels. 

Is sea moss good for energy?

Sea moss contains iodine, magnesium, iron, and polysaccharides, among many other minerals and nutrients. These compounds help boost stamina and aid in overall health and fitness.  

Is sea moss good for fatigue?

Yes sea moss may help reduce fatigue as it is a great source of iron. Iron is a compound that helps in the production of haemoglobin. Iron deficiency can result in anaemia and cause fatigue. 6 

Does sea moss make you feel better?

The nutrient-dense seafood offers many benefits to your body, skin, and hair. Among many other things, sea moss helps reduce fatigue, provides sustained energy, and is a source of many essential nutrients. All these combined make you feel healthier and better.

Who should not take sea moss?

People who are allergic to seafood or seaweed should avoid consuming sea moss. Sea moss can also interact with certain medications and may not be suitable for people with thyroid disorders, bleeding disorders, or low blood pressure. So, always start small and observe whether your body gets an allergic reaction.


    1. Alsunni, A. A. (2015). Energy drink consumption: beneficial and adverse health effects. International journal of health sciences, 9(4), 468.
    2. McKay, A. K., Pyne, D. B., Burke, L. M., & Peeling, P. (2020). Iron metabolism: Interactions with energy and carbohydrate availability. Nutrients, 12(12), 3692.
    3. Eastman, C. J., & Zimmermann, M. B. (2018). The iodine deficiency disorders. Endotext [Internet].
    4. Wang, H., Ma, J. X., Zhou, M., Si, J., & Cui, B. (2022). Current advances and potential trends of the polysaccharides derived from medicinal mushrooms sanghuang. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2762.
    5. Nielsen, F. H., Johnson, L. K., & Zeng, H. (2010). Magnesium supplementation improves indicators of low magnesium status and inflammatory stress in adults older than 51 years with poor quality sleep.
    6. Miller, J. L. (2013). Iron deficiency anemia: a common and curable disease. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine, 3(7), a011866.